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coffee enema weight loss results

How to Lose 30 Pounds (Or More) in 30 Days With Intermittent Fasting & Coffee  Enemas (Detoxify Your Body, Lose Weight, Get Healthy & Transform Your Life  Book 3) - Kindle edition
How to Lose 30 Pounds (Or More) in 30 Days With Intermittent Fasting & Coffee Enemas (Detoxify Your Body, Lose Weight, Get Healthy & Transform Your Life Book 3) - Kindle edition
All you need to know about coffee enemas What is a coffee enema? A coffee enema is a type of colon cleaning used in alternative medicine. During the procedure, a mixture of coffee and water produced and caffeinated through the rectum is inserted into the colon. Coffee enemas may have been originated by German doctors seeking cancer treatment in the early twentieth century. But it was Gerson therapy that helped put the procedure on the map. Max Gerson was a German-American doctor who believed he could detoxify the body and give him the nutrients he needs to heal using an organic diet based on plants, raw juices and coffee enemas. His rigorous program became known as Gerson therapy. Coffee enemas are believed to stimulate the flow of bile and the production of glutathione, a detoxifying antioxidant. Sounds promising, doesn't it? However, don't run to the pharmacy for an enema bag yet. There are some things you should know before you try a coffee enema. It can help: For many people, the immediate benefit of a coffee enema is having multiple bowel movements that help clean the colon. If you are experiencing constipation, a coffee enema can bring relief. Coffee enema supporters claim that the procedure provides these additional benefits: There is no scientific evidence to demonstrate or disapprove that coffee enemas are useful for treating any medical condition. The evidence for the use of coffee enemas or against the use of enemas is mostly anecdote. In conventional medicine, the cleansing of the colon is considered unnecessary because the digestive system of your body is capable of getting rid of the residues, toxins and bacteria by itself. The theory that colon residues are toxic to your body is known as self-intoxication. According to a 2014 published in The Journal of Lancaster General Hospital, there is no evidence to support this theory. There is no official medical guide about who should get a coffee enema. According to an alternative medicine doctor Linda L. Isaacs, M.D., people are continually exposed to toxic chemicals and contaminants in food, air and water. As a result, he believes that anyone can benefit from coffee enemas as a way of "helping to stimulate the liver to free the body from these waste and contaminating materials." Coffee enemas can be used as an alternative to stimulant laxatives to clean the intestine for an endoscopy of video capsules. A 2014 published in Clinical Nutrition Research concluded that coffee enemas are a possible way to prepare the intestine without negative side effects. However, more study is needed before coffee enemas are routinely recommended for bowel preparation. Risks There are some tests that suggest that coffee enemas can be harmful. According to the National Cancer Institute, three deaths reported in literature appear to be related to the enemas de café. One may have occurred due to bacterial infection, although this could not be confirmed. Two other deaths occurred due to the electrolyteum imbalance. According to a letter to the Editor published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, a coffee enema caused proctocolitis (inflammation of the colon and rectum) in a Korean woman. The authors of the letter concluded that coffee enemas are risky and should be reconsidered as an alternative treatment. Coffee enemas can be a problem if you are sensitive to caffeine or if you take medications that interact with caffeine. Colon cleaning can also cause: A coffee enema can be done at home or, for a high price, at some holistic health clinics. There is no official guide on how to make a coffee enema. If you choose to get a coffee enema, you can feel cramp, pressure and fullness during the procedure. You may also feel shaved or experience heart palpitations as a side effect of caffeine. You should drink plenty of water later to help prevent dehydration. The main medicine does not advocate the use of coffee enemas. Many people claim that coffee enemas improve their health and well-being without negative side effects. Because statistics on coffee enemas are difficult to achieve, it is difficult to determine whether most people have had a positive or negative experience. What is known for sure is that coffee enemas are potentially dangerous. The decision to have a coffee enema or not is a better personal choice made between you and your doctor. If you decide to take a coffee enema and experience any serious side effects, get emergency medical help. Serious side effects include intense pain, persistent nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and rectal bleeding.Last medical review on 21 November 2016Read this following

Coffee Enema Instructions, Benefits " SelfHacked Hazards has the strictest supply guidelines in the health industry and almost exclusively link to medically peer-reviewed studies, usually in PubMed. We believe that the most accurate information is directly in the scientific source. We are dedicated to providing the most scientifically valid, impartial and complete information on any given subject. Our team consists of doctors, doctors, pharmacists, qualified scientists and health and well-being specialists. All our content is written by scientists and people with a strong scientific background. Our scientific team is put through the strictest research process in the health industry and we often reject applicants who have written articles for many of the largest health websites that are considered to be trustworthy. Our scientific team must pass long tests of technical science, difficult logical proofs of reasoning and reading comprehension. They are constantly monitored by our internal peer review process and if we see someone who makes material science mistakes, we do not let them write for us again. Our goal is not to have a single piece of inaccurate information on this website. If you feel that any of our contents is inaccurate, not updated, or otherwise questionable, please leave a comment or contact us in Note that each number of parentheses [1, 2, 3, etc.] is a clickable link to peer-reviewed scientific studies. One more sign next to the number "[1+, 2+, etc...]" means that the information is within the complete scientific study instead of the abstract. Coffee enemas would probably stay on fringes if blogs and celebrities of natural health like Gwyneth Paltrow don't popularize them. Today, it is said to improve a long list of health conditions by helping your body detoxification. Does science support its benefits? Do you understand the potential dangers? Read below to find out. What's a coffee enema? One is the insertion of fluids in the large intestine to relieve constipation, prepare for surgery, or "detox". An enema is exactly as it sounds: an enema with elaborate coffee. Theoretically, coffee should add specific benefits to enemas in general. RoleplayProponentsSkeptics Use through history The first documented uses of coffee enemas for poisoning and postoperative care date back to the nineteenth century. According to an anecdote, its popularity was collected during World War I. The water shortage forced a nurse to use the surgeon's coffee as a preparatory enema in a soldier. He allegedly experienced immediately []. However, it was not until the German doctor Max Gerson developed his anticancer therapy that the enemas of coffee were known all over the world. Gerson died in 1959 but his therapy has lived until today [+] The popularity of coffee enemas decreased during the 20th century and its appointment as a folkloric medical practice was removed from the best-selling text manual in 1972. However, these enemas have revived in recent years. In spite of the lack of scientific evidence, the defenders of the enemas de café propose their use to: In the next section, we break down scientific evidence for each health benefit claimed. Disaggregation of benefitsPossibly Effective1) Preparation for Bolos endoscopyThe endoscopy of the drink is a common test procedure that requires cleansing of the intestine. It is used to diagnose a condition or as a therapeutic intervention. Feces particles are the main contaminants of the large intestine. Enemas are approved for this procedure by the FDA and worked in 25 of 26 people in a clinical trial. However, drinking solutions such as GoLytely and Pico-salax are more used. In addition, due to their multiple risks, enemas should not be used without supervision [+, , ].Water enemas of the weapons facilitated large intestine endocopy through an alternative mechanism – prevention of intestinal cramps – in a clinical trial of 69 people [].Bile darkens the small intestine and reduces visibility. In a clinical trial of 34 people who prepare for endoscopy, 2 L of an enema with a laxative (polyethylene collo) overflowed more bile when it contained coffee [].2) constipationEnemas are mainly used to relieve severe constipation. In 3 clinical trials on more than 350 constituencies, 47% of all cases improved and up to 87% of those due to nerve damage [, , , , ] Enemas were also effective in 5 trials on more than 250 children, but they had no added benefit to laxatives in another over 100 children [, , , , , , , ]. The composition of the wife can also contribute to the laxative effect of coffee. Drinking coffee, especially caffeinated, promoted bowel movements in 2 trials in more than 100 people [, ].It is unclear how the enemas of coffee affect the intestine. While coffee consumption increased the growth of beneficial bacteria in humans and rats, frequent enemas can reduce their number by washing them and avoiding their growth due to the acidity of coffee [, ]. Digestion Improvement Coffee can improve fat digestion by stimulating the release of bile acids and keeping the gallbladder healthy. Two studies of nearly 100k people associated coffee with drinks (2-6 cups/day) with a reduced risk of bladder stones in women and gallbladder cancer in all genres. Because none of them tested enemas, if they are more effective than oral coffee (or effective at all) remains unknown [, , ]. Possibly Ineffective1) Clean the enemas of parasites & OthersCoffee are often advertised to help eliminate and kill parasites, although the scientific research supporting this claim is non-existent. While the laxative effect of coffee enemas can increase its elimination, some worms will remain in your intestine and continue to reproduce. The coffee seems unlikely to kill them, as it was even beneficial for a small rosemary commonly used in the laboratory. Infections will probably not be resolved if you do not take antiparasitic drugs []. However, a combination of enemas and medicines can be effective when the intestines are blocked by large slices. This procedure helped in 5 clinical trials over 600 children and prevented the need for surgery in most cases. In any case, balanced or concentrated enemas can eliminate parasites more effectively [, , , , , ]. Coffee enema advocates also claim that it improves yeast () overcrowding. Although no human studies have been carried out, the coffee extract killed Candida in antimicrobial tests []. Taken together, the enemas (if they contain coffee or not) do not seem effective in the fight against parasites and the overcrowding of yeast, but can help with the blocking of intestine by rosemary 2) Weight Loss Self-intoxication is said to block metabolism and cause weight gain. Therefore, proponents believe that it can be prevented by cleaning the intestine with enemas. Similar to the case of waste management, the activity of the intestine rather than intestinal toxin poisoning seems to play a role here []. Products can create various by-products, depending on the type of bacteria and the foods we eat. Some waste products – especially those of protein digestion – can "rotate" and worsen intestinal inflammation. They are associated with obesity and their health complications. Research has not shown that enemas are disposed of these waste products, although [, ]. Enemas can, however, promote weight loss through their laxative effect. This is an insecure weight loss method; in fact, it is often used among people with eating disorders such as bulimia [].12 clinical trials attest to a mechanism by hand. You may have guessed it: the action of grease burn. However, taking oral coffee may be safer and more effective: the levels of blood caffeine were 3.5x higher after drinking coffee than after an enema in an essay in 11 people [+, , , , , , , , , , , ].All in all, enemas are not a smart way or a sure.3) Kidney stones Some coffee enema advocates say they help wash kidney stones. The increase in the elimination of toxin is supposed to protect the kidney function and facilitates stone waste. As described above, there is no evidence that intestinal toxins pass to the blood or that the cleansing of the colon is necessary to prevent this [+]. However, coffee enemas can help prevent kidney stones, as caffeine intake was associated with a reduced risk of this condition in a study of more than 200k people. Like the case of , this benefit is easier to achieve when drinking coffee [, ].4) Balancing MoodSupposedly, the accumulation of toxins in the bloodstream causes mood disorders such as , laziness, irritability, low energy, " , and changes in appetite. Coffee enemas are claimed to remove toxins and prevent these conditions. As described above, there is no evidence that waste products pass to the blood of the large intestine or cause health conditions. A woman with bipolar disorder, psychosis and suicidal tendencies improved with a lifestyle intervention that included a detoxifying diet, and coffee enemas. However, meditation alone was very responsible for this effect as it reduced and improved well-being in a meta-analysis of 47 studies [+, ].As ineffective1) DetoxTheory of Self-Intoxication The detoxified power of enemas is based on the pseudo-scientific theory of "self-toxication". The residues and toxins of non-digested foods are supposed to accumulate in the intestine and go to the bloodstream, causing a number of diseases []. Over 2000 years ago, the Egyptians and Romans have already washed their intestines to substances that allegedly caused disease. The intestinal cleansing reached its peak of popularity in the early twentieth century, after the English surgeon William Arbuthnot Lane claimed that self-intoxication was responsible for most of the chronic conditions [+]. During this time, enemas, and even surgical procedures to shorten the large intestine and accelerate the elimination of intestinal waste were common. The popularity of these practices began to decline after the American Medical Association published an article in 1919 condemning [+]. Although the theory of self-intoxication lacks scientific evidence, the bacteria of the intestine have a role in the production and decomposition of toxic waste. Some help break down toxins while other types form protein by-products associated with colon cancer. Instead of pulling this "food waste" with enemas, it is better to eat a diet that promotes a healthy [+,].However, the theory of self-intoxication is often used today to explain the alleged benefits of all enemas. Stimulation of the gallbladderThe enemas of the strain are often called to open the ducts and help eliminate toxins with biliary acids. In a clinical trial of 6 men, drinking coffee (165-400 mL/day) increased the contractions of gallbladder and the levels of the hormone that stimulates the release of bile (colecystokinin) [, ]. However, it is very unlikely that an increase in bile flow eliminates the toxins of the blood: more than 95% of the bile released in the small intestine restates the liver and recycled [+]. Antioxidant activity is the main antioxidant of the body and occurs mainly in the liver. Protects the cells from the damage. It also joins and helps to eliminate toxic chemicals, drugs and pesticides []. The same document is often cited by the defenders of the enema de café. In the study, the "cofie enemas" increased the activity of an enzyme that helps glutination linked to to toxins (GST) to 700%. However, it suffers from a dazzling problem: mice in this study did not receive coffee enemas but green coffee beans. [+]Other studies of animal and cell origin found that certain coffee components (kahweol and coffee palmettes) increase the activity and production of GST and glutathione. But the water extracts of roasted beans (the ones closest to the processed coffee) had the lowest antioxidant activity [, , , ]. Indeada, no moderate consumption of coffee (2 cups/day) or coffee enemas (3x/week) showed antioxidant effects in a clinical trial on 11 healthy men [].Bottom Line To sum it up, there is no evidence to suggest that coffee enemas improve detoxification or antioxidant defense. The assertions about its superiority, such as delivering more active compounds to the liver faster and with less adverse effects, remain unproven. Therapy is an alternative "treatment" untested developed by the German doctor Max Gerson. Gerson started using a low-salt diet rich in fruit and vegetable juices to relieve his , later recommended it for tuberculosis, and began to apply it to cancer in 1928 []. According to Gerson's theory, cancer develops when toxins accumulate and overwhelm the liver's ability to break them down. By killing cancer cells, chemotherapy would release more of these toxins in the bloodstream and damage the liver [, ].Gerson also claimed that people with cancer have too much sodium and very little in their cells, which weakens organs by damaging their tissues [, ].None of these were tested. What's more, Gerson? Therapy can be dangerous, especially in patients with cancer. In short, it is composed of [, ]: Gerson Therapy was banned by the FDA and today it is only applied in two clinics in Tijuana (Mexico) and Budapest (Hungary). According to its official website, therapy lasts 2-3 weeks and costs $5500 per week. Clinical Studies Gerson himself and advocate of his therapy (Dr. Freeman W. Cope) reported several alleged cases of cancer healing without providing any clinical record [+, +, +]. A Gerson Foundation observational study on more than 150 people with skin cancer reported better survival rates compared to conventional therapies. However, unpacked control populations and an unofficial classification of tumor stages present bias to their results []. In another study on 6 people with advanced skin cancer, 5 survived more than expected. However, 4 used conventional chemotherapy along with the Gerson regime []. The National Cancer Institute has analysed cases reports submitted by Gerson's proponents on 3 occasions (the last time in 1990) without finding any evidence that the diet improves cancer [+, ]. Nicholas González tested his method, which is similar to Gerson and also includes coffee enemas. It denounces good results in an uncontrolled study of 11 people with pancreatic cancer. However, a study of 55 people found that those who take chemotherapy (gemcitabine) had better quality of life and survived 3 times more than those who followed the Gonzalez regiment [, ]. Although their proponents rarely describe how coffee enemas can help in these cases, they are often recommended for chronic conditions such as:However, all tests come from anecdotes. Multiherbal enemas are commonly used for rheumatoid arthritis in Ayurvedic medicine. A therapy that includes enemas improved symptoms in 2 studies, but lacked controls and included only 13 people [, ].Coffee Enema Dangers & Side Effects This list does not cover all possible side effects. Contact your doctor or pharmacist if you notice other side effects. Call your doctor to advise you about side effects. In the United States, you may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or to . In Canada, you may report side effects to Health Canada at 1-866-234-2345. "Detox symptoms" The use of frequent enemas can cause the following adverse effects [+]:While proponents often claim some of them (especially nausea, dizziness, and fatigue) are "sintomas of detoxification", these side effects are the most likely caused by intestinal stretching and electrolytic imbalances. People at risk The risk of adverse effects is especially high in people with [+]: FDA only approves colon cleansing to prepare for medical procedures and has issued several letters warning about unapproved uses. Health Complication S Because boiling water is necessary to prepare coffee, a risk of these enemas is that they can cause burns in the intestine if the water is still too hot. This was the case of 3 women, one of which even developed holes in the intestine (perforation) [+, +, +].Although, the coffee contains irritating compounds that caused colon inflammation, pain and blood feces in 3 women [, +, +].In 2 women who used them very often (up to 3x-4x/hour), the enemas of coffee caused serious imbalances of electrolytes. A woman in Gerson Therapy died of blood poisoning (septicemia). 10 people after similar therapy also suffered from this complication, but more likely due to the intake of raw calf liver [+, +]. Because caffeine is also absorbed through the intestine, the enemas of coffee are not recommended in susceptible people such as children and pregnant women. An important risk of coffee enemas is to use them to replace conventional anticancer therapies. Cancer is a serious and life-threatening condition. Talk to your doctor before trying unchecked therapies and never use them as a substitute for conventional treatments. Limitations and caveats Most of the health benefits proposed for coffee enemas are based on pseudo-scientific theories such as self-intoxication. The clinical evidence of these benefits is usually non-existent or based on anecdotes and uncontrolled cases. The effects of coffee on gallbladder contractions, weight loss and kidney stones prevention have only been tested with oral coffee but not enemas. Although coffee is often said to increase glutathione levels and GST activity, the positive effects were found only in animals and cells. In the single clinical trial, neither oral coffee nor coffee enemas had any benefit [] Some studies that show the benefits of coffee enemas also included lifestyle changes (such as special diets and meditation), which makes it difficult to estimate the contribution of enemas. The benefits of enemas on rheumatoid arthritis and cancer have been proven mainly in small and uncontrolled studies, one of which also used chemotherapy; a study had several defects (controls without equals, classification of stages of uncertain cancer), while the best designed had negative results [, , , , , , ].Frequency of useRemember that the coffee enemas are not approved for any lack of evidence. Therefore, there is no optimal frequency of use. The proponents recommend making 1x-2x/day coffee enemas for 4-8 weeks before moving to a maintenance enema every 2 months. In people healing from a digestive disorder, they recommend up to 1x/day. Usually several enemas are discouraged per day. Proponents make exceptions for seriously ill people (such as those with cancer), claiming they need to get rid of many toxins. We strongly discourage this dangerous practice. OpinionsThe opinions expressed in this section are only those of the users of the enema de café, who may or may not have medical or scientific training. His views do not represent the views of SelfHacked. SelfHacked does not support any specific product, service or treatment. Do not consider the experiences of users as medical advice. Never delay or contempt for professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified healthcare providers due to something you've read in SelfHacked. We understand that reading individual experiences of real life can be a useful resource, but it is never a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of a qualified health care provider. Internet is full of testimonies of people who regularly use coffee enemas. Most users believe in the benefits of the enema claimed, so it is not surprising that they tend to report great health improvements. Many of them describe adverse effects such as nausea or dizziness, but attributing them to "symptomas detoxification". People who buy kits were looking for the same benefits and were satisfied with the results. Most tests evaluated kits based on practical features such as ease of use and cleaning, quality of materials or price. Comments were generally positive and unsatisfied users often complained that their kit filtered or was uncomfortable to use. Takeaway Defenders claim that coffee enemas will help you detoxify and cure chronic diseases, but scientific evidence says otherwise. The research lacks support for the use of coffee enemas for anything, except constipation and cleaning of the intestines before a medical procedure. For most of the benefits claimed, moderate consumption of coffee and a healthy diet work much better. If you decide to try a coffee enema, consult a medical professional first. Using enemas at home can be dangerous. If you experience side effects, seek medical help immediately. Frequent use can cause serious electrolyte imbalances and even death. Experts are saying to avoid anything that causes inflammation during this Coronavirus pandemic, but some people have genes that make them more likely to experience inflammation. Take a look at SelfDecode for genetic diet, lifestyle, and supplement tips that can help reduce levels of inflammation. The recommendations are customized based on your DNA. personalized About the author AATE THIS ARTICLEFDA Compliance The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Medicament Administration or any other medical organ. We do not intend to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disease. The information is shared only for educational purposes. You should consult your doctor before acting on any content of this website, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medications or have a medical condition. Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *CommentName * Email * Website Save my name, email and website in this browser for the next time you comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. .Contents Joe Cohen won the genetic lottery of bad genes. As a child, he suffered from inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, digestive problems, anxiety, depression and other problems that were misunderstood in conventional and alternative medicine. Related articles What do your genes tell you about your health? Align your health hacks with your genes for optimal cognitive health function. Navigation Our Policies Contact Us Follow us Join SelfHacked today and start the journey of improving your life[selfhacked_subscribe_form]

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